
Let's Go.

2023 Light Bearers Annual Report

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Thank You

Throughout this year, you have been going places with the Spirit of God. Maybe not physically, but through your support, you were there with us—in Zambia, Germany, Texas, Australia, and the list goes on. We want to celebrate the incredible impact you’ve had in 2023.

I was convinced that I had crossed the line and that God wouldn't accept me anymore. Ashamed, guilty, and wanting to die, I could barely bring myself to pray. Then one day I stumbled across one of your sermons online—and it was like the voice of God telling me that I was not beyond redemption. I can't even begin to explain how much of a blessing this ministry has been to me. I have been pulled out of some dark places.


2023 Timeline

January 13

SCwithDA begins. David leads thousands of people on a three-week journey through Ellen White’s classic book Steps to Christ on YouTube and Instagram.

Jan 14-16

Ty speaks at the Mid-America Union Minister’s Meetings. Church leaders’ interest in righteousness by faith is growing, so Ty was invited to speak on the significance of this concept for every Adventist doctrine.

Jan 27-Feb 3

Ty preaches an eight-part series in Turkey for the Workers Family Retreat, where pastors, missionaries, and church leaders come together. Many use Light Bearers content in their work.

Feb 6

The tenth ARISE Australia class convenes with 42 students, mostly young adults. The biblical narrative is taught with power and clarity. Hearts and lives are transformed.


Let’s Go Disciple

700 Attendees

This year, we had over 700 ARISE Intensive attendees, two-thirds of which were 35 years old or younger; 42 students in this year’s ARISE Australia class, with all but one under the age of 35 and 23 of them in their teens; and 450 new students on ARISE Online.

To date, we’ve trained and discipled over 3,900 people through our collective ARISE discipleship programs.

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This weekend broke me in a good way. I fell in love with God in a way that I’ve never experienced before… You guys seriously don’t know how much you have affected my life… I am praying that God keeps using your ministry to make disciples and help others see Jesus for who He really is and fall in love with Him like I did.


Mar 2-4

David preaches at the Hyve Conference in Tennessee, a motivational and training event for Christian entrepreneurs. He speaks on how to incorporate the gospel into their business enterprises.

Mar 21-26

Ty is in Brazil filming an online course on his book The Sonship of Christ, which has been gifted by many church leaders to Adventist ministers around the world.

April 28-May 1

Three hundred people, mostly young adults, come together for the first international ARISE Intensive at the Adventist University in Friedensau, Germany. Many gain a whole new perspective on their belief system.

May 5-6

ARISE Australia graduates its tenth class. The weekend is combined with a 10-year anniversary celebration, where alumni gather to remember with gratitude how God has used ARISE to shape them as disciples of Christ.


Let's Go Online

269,367 Hours

So far this year, people around the world watched 269,367 hours of our content on our video platforms—that’s over 30 years!

To date, people around the world have watched over 1,683,676 hours of our content on our video platforms—that’s over 192 years!

WATCH: See how you’re changing lives through supporting Light Bearers literature distribution.


Yes, I want share the gospel to more people online! Give Now →

My picture of God has begun to change through your great content. So I just wanted to say a big thank you for your ministry and for the constant work that you do!


May 16-21

Ty preaches a seven-part gospel series at the Danish Union Camp Meeting. Many testify that the messages transformed their understanding of God’s character.

May 26-28

Ty preaches a series on the beauty of God’s character and righteousness by faith at the Kentucky-Tennessee Camp Meeting. The conference president says that this is the message all church members need to hear.

June 1-3

David preaches at the Kentucky-Tennessee Camp Meeting, picking up where Ty left off, proclaiming the gospel. Many people experience full-on revivals of their spiritual experience.

June 14-20

Ty speaks at the German Union Congress. The event is televised from the Hope Channel headquarters in Germany, broadcasting its messages throughout the country.


Let's Go Deeper

1,500 Conversations

In 2023, people from around the world, of many different belief systems, engaged in over 1,500 conversations with our spiritual care team for encouragement, prayer, and theological insight.

Yes, I want to help empower the spiritual care team to help more people in need! Give Now →

After moving to a different country I had been struggling with intrusive thoughts leading to anxiety and feelings of depression. I had been listening to Light Bearers material and was able to connect with Angelo for spiritual support and prayer. It has made a huge difference in my life!


June 15-18

David speaks at the Southern New England Camp Meeting. The presence of the Holy Spirit is palpable. Heartfelt re-commitments to Christ are made.

June 27-July 1

Messiah, Light Bearers 2023 Convocation, is held in Tennessee. Ty, David, Jeffrey Rosario, and Silvia Bacchiocchi preached a 12-part series on various messianic prophecies.

July 18-22

Ty speaks for the Mid-America Union President Council. Church leaders invited Ty to establish a theological framework for immersing members in the message of righteousness by faith.

July 20-29

David preaches a gospel series at the Romania Camp Meeting. The response was overwhelmingly positive. Many members are students on ARISE Online.


Let's Go To All

1,000,000 Printed

This year, we printed one million Bible study guides and 120,000 Bibles in English, French, and Spanish and shipped them to Zimbabwe, West Congo, Zambia, South Africa, Costa Rica, and Peru.

To date, we’ve printed and shipped 755,778,084 pieces of gospel-filled publications into the mission field.

WATCH: See how you’re changing lives through supporting Light Bearers literature distribution.


Yes, I want to support the spreading of gospel-filled publications to the darkest areas of the world! Give Now →

It’s because of your ministry that I have come to know Jesus after 30 years in the church.


July 24-27

Ty preaches a series on the transformational power of the gospel for the North Pacific Union Administrators Meetings. Many church leaders are passionate about re-centering Adventism in the gospel of Christ.

July 30-Aug 2

David, Ty, our longtime ministry colleague Jeffrey Rosario, and our good friend and Light Bearers board member Cintia Nojima Huynh, film the second half of Table Talk, Season 6: The Parables of Jesus.

August 2-5

Ty and the team are at ASI, networking with attendees and connecting with mission organizations who distribute Light Bearers literature.

August 11-13

Ty speaks at the Sarasota Adventist Church on discovering real gospel love in a world that is becoming more defined by artificial intelligence.


Let's Go Together

Whether you travel often or rarely leave your hometown, we hope that by now you see that your influence is winning innumerable victories for the kingdom of light. For your prayers and every dollar you gave, we thank you with the utmost gratitude. We know how much they mean and we are so grateful for your partnership!

WATCH: When you give to Light Bearers, you are impacting people's live's in very real ways.


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Sept 1-8

Ty and Angelo Grasso, our Spiritual Care Director, conduct a week of spiritual revival at Southwestern Adventist University, titled Recalibrate, helping students center their lives in God's love.

Sept 8-10

Over 400 attendees from more than 20 states come together for the ARISE Intensive Texas. The Spirit sets people free through the story of Scripture.

Sept 18-Oct 16

David and Ty lead two Holy Land tours through Israel, Egypt, and Jordan, with over 200 people in attendance. They preach the gospel in the very places where Jesus Himself preached, as did the apostles and ancient prophets.

Nov 3-9

Ty speaks for the Southeastern California Conference Ministerial Retreat. He teaches church leaders how to move their congregations in a decidedly gospel-centered direction.


A Holy Land Experience

Watch the recap video to see what it was like for Ty and David to walk and preach where Jesus walked and preached.


Let's Keep Going...

Your generous support allows us to vindicate the beauty of God’s character. Thank you for making a difference. We invite you to keep going with us by considering special year-end gift.

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