
Light Bearers
Annual Report


“I saw the universe change today,” and it was through your support and prayers that it happened.


Ty Gibson, Speaker/Director

One day, in a little Australian town called Byron Bay, I noticed a sign that said, “I saw the universe change today.” Whoever wrote those words was paying attention.

According to “chaos theory,” the single movement of a butterfly’s wing may be the determining factor in the formation of a hurricane. According to the Bible, the movements of each individual life exert determinative effects on other lives.

As God went forward with the work of creation, only three conceivable possibilities lay before Him. He could create (1) robots, (2) slaves, or (3) free moral agents. Only the third option would be consistent with the aspirations of love. So here we are, beings of huge and magnificent significance, beings who matter so much that our actions run adjacent to God’s actions, as genuinely free beings who possess the power to create effects for which we alone are the cause, and which ripple into eternity with never-ending impact.

At Light Bearers, we have the immense privilege of witnessing the ripple effects of your support as the story of God’s love illuminates hearts and minds. This year, 2024, has been no different. We have seen communities transformed through our publishing ministry, young adults empowered and equipped by ARISE, relationships flourish in community, and lives renewed through biblical, Christ centered preaching. It is our honor to share a few of those stories with you here.

Daniel the prophet realized the weightiness of our moral influence when he said, “those that turn many to righteousness” will “shine . . . like the stars forever and ever” (Daniel 12:3). As you read this annual report, I hope you feel yourself shine just a bit brighter, knowing that you played a part in turning many to righteousness. There are people around the world right now who are loving better, seeing clearer, and sleeping easier because of you. More amazing still, your decision to advance the gospel cause has had a ripple effect upon the very heart of God. Jesus explained that anything we do for or against any human being registers in His heart as if done to Him. What a wondrous thought to know that when we put our love into action, we gladden the heart of God.

“I saw the universe change today,” and it was through your support and prayers that it happened.

Thank you.

In Christ,

Ty Gibson



Anneliese Stock, Communications Assistant

Apolonio’s stomach dropped when he looked under the bus. His luggage was missing. With his evangelistic campaign beginning that night, he didn’t have time to lose the Light Bearers Bibles he’d brought from Managua, Nicaragua, not to mention his belongings.

Seeing one bag left that looked like his, Apolonio realized another passenger had mistaken his bag for their own. The only person left at the station was the driver, so Apolonio gave him his number in case the other passenger reached out.

Then he took his carry-on and the other suitcase to his lodging. In about an hour, his phone rang. A woman named Maria said, “I hear you have my bag.”

Apolonio sat up, “Yes, I do!” They quickly decided on a place to meet.

Maria didn’t know much about God, but she wanted to.

After hanging up, however, Apolonio felt impressed to take one of the few Bibles he packed in his carry-on and put it in her suitcase.

Soon they met up, swapped bags, and went their separate ways. After Apolonio returned home, his phone rang.

“Did you put a Bible in my bag?” Maria asked.

“Yes,” Apolonio replied carefully.

“You have no idea,” she said, her voice tight with tears. “I’ve been praying for months for a Bible.” Maria didn’t know much about God, but she wanted to. She has since left Nicaragua, but Apolonio continues to keep in touch with her as she studies her Bible.

This interaction, this ripple, was made possible because you believe in the power that a simple gospel-infused track can have. In 2024, we sent seven containers with millions of pieces of gospel-filled literature across the globe. All this material was shipped free of charge because of people like you. We cannot thank you enough on behalf of Maria and all the others experiencing the ripple effects of your support.

Yes, I want to support the spreading of gospel-filled publications to people like Maria around the world!
Give Now →



This year, we published and sent out 3,780,000 pieces of gospel literature and 60,000 Bibles in French, Spanish, and English to be distributed in Zambia, West Congo, Nicaragua, Ghana, Colombia, Botswana, and Senegal.

Help us spread the gospel through literature distribution



See the God of Scripture in a way you’ve possibly never seen Him before at ARISE Intensives. These weekend events will inspire and empower you to share and love the gospel story yourself.

Want to be notified when registration for our next ARISE Intensive opens?
Sign up for our email list.


David Asscherick, Speaker/Director

None of us saw this one coming. There are ripples, and there are ripples. This was a ripple.

In 2021, two ARISE Australia graduates, Braeden and Levi, moved to Finland because their wives, who also attended ARISE, were from Finland.

ARISE, our discipleship training program which has now empowered over 4,000 people to love and share the gospel story, had a profound and transformative impact on the four of them. To the point that, after they attended ARISE, they began dreaming about starting an ARISE program in Finland. They wanted other people to experience what they experienced. So they prayed, talked, dreamed, plotted, and shared their vision with locals. Providence after providence began lining up.

They wanted other people to experience what they experienced.

Then, one day, Levi and Braeden reached out to Ty and me to share the vision, the plan, and the manifold providence of God. What a glorious revelation that was! Immediately, our team saw the hand of God all over the situation.

Could we really start a new ARISE program in Europe? Could we afford it? Could we staff it? Could we really pull this off?

The obvious answer was no.

But the Spirit’s answer was yes. Given the way that God was leading, how could we not? Mission-minded donors stepped up, hearts were moved, walls were painted, arrangements were made, and—just like that!—ARISE Finland, almost like Creation of old in Genesis 1, suddenly existed! And all because of the astounding will and power of God, the passion of four of His young children, and the generosity of people like you.

Presently, there are 38 young people, from 12 countries, enrolled at ARISE Finland.

Friends, that’s a RIPPLE! And it would’ve never been possible without you.

Yes, I want to make more disciples!
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In this year’s first-ever ARISE Finland class and our eleventh ARISE Australia class, we had 83 total students, ages 18 to 61 representing 19 countries. To date, we’ve trained and discipled over 4,000 people through our collective ARISE discipleship programs.

Help us empower people to share the gospel

Justin Chung reading a book

“Going to ARISE was the best decision I have ever made. It was life-changing and transformed my view of God.”

—Justin Chung



At our three-month ARISE discipleship programs, you’ll fall in love with God, explore the biblical narrative, learn from gospel-oriented teachers, serve in community, and form long-lasting friendships.


ARISE Australia

February 3-May 5, 2025

Application Deadline
December 31, 2024


ARISE Finland

August 21-November 15, 2025

Registration Opens
January 15

Application Deadline
July 31

Learn More

Class sizes are limited. Don’t wait to apply.


Angelo Grasso, Spiritual Care Director

Community is the signature of God’s creation. We were conceived in community and we find our ultimate purpose in community.

Satan knows this and is committed to perfecting schemes and systems to keep us in the darkness of isolation. Because he hates creation, he hates community. His mission is to take us back to the conditions of pre-creation—formless, void, and alone! And in far too many cases, he succeeds.

At Light Bearers, we realize that to vindicate the beauty of God’s character necessitates waging war against the machinery of isolationism, which is now perfected into a dark art through modern technology. In 2024, we leaned into community like never before. We invested in our online community by launching a series of live sessions called “EDIFY.” Nearly 3,000 people registered and found community through our shared conversations, while, to date, the series has over 60,000 views.

In 2024 we leaned into community like never before.

We offered spiritual care to our community in the form of pastoral support through prayer and biblical counsel. We connected with our community on social media through our Facebook group and our other social media channels. And we showed up in real life, too. Our team invested in community by traveling the world to spend time with our global family in conferences and retreats, large and small. Through our ARISE training school, we immersed students in the art of community-building and deployed them into the mission field as light bearers.

So, on behalf of our Light Bearers community, thank you. Thank you for supporting this good fight. It is because of your financial support that we have been able to create an infrastructure that is supporting our growing community, undermining the devil’s designs, and creating a ripple of connection, hope, and restoration that is spreading around the world.

Yes, I want help build community!
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This year, we had 2,850 people register for our monthly Live Sessions and 1,170 people currently belong to our Light Bearers Community Facebook Group.

Help us spread the gospel online



Join our Light Bearers Community Facebook Group for learning, connection, and prayer.

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Alexandra Mora, Español Coordinator

Did you know that Spanish is the second-largest mother tongue in the world?

Light Bearers has always made it a priority to send Bibles and Bible study guides in local languages overseas.

However, we’ve never had the means to provide our numerous other resources— sermon series from convocation, books like The Sonship of Christ, and blog posts—in other languages, though they were frequently requested.

That is, until this year.

With your generous support, the puzzle pieces finally came together, and we launched Light Bearers Español this past June.

“Wow! Every message makes my mind explode and expand. I can’t wait for the next one.”

This includes a website, where you can find our first video series, Unbelievable (Increíble in Spanish), as well as other resources. We also created a YouTube channel, an Instagram account, and a Facebook page—all completely in Spanish. Using the latest AI technology, we’re translating more Bible studies, media resources, and sermons, creating an ever-growing library in Español.

Since we’ve launched, our Spanish community has been expressing their excitement and gratitude:

“So many prayers answered! Thank you, friends, for making everything that Light Bearers represents available in Spanish.” – Mariano

“I always listened to you in English, and there were things I didn’t understand. Thank you for doing it in Spanish!” – Josafat

“Wow! Every message makes my mind explode and expand. I can’t wait for the next one.” – Dilner

“This is the absolutely beautiful message of the eternal Gospel. Simply spectacular. Thank you so much, Light Bearers. Keep sharing these resources.” – Kenni

None of this would have happened without you. We want to thank you and ask you to pray for this project and consider how you can continue supporting it. There are 493 million native Spanish speakers worldwide—that’s over six percent of the world’s population. May God use us to vindicate the beauty of His character in Spanish!

Yes, I want to help share the gospel in Spanish!
Give Now →




Support Light Bearers and enjoy tax benefits

New IRA Rule
You do not have to make a required minimum distribution before age 73. However, if you are 70 ½ years old, you can make a gift to Light Bearers from your IRA without paying income taxes on the distribution.

New Opportunity: IRA to Charitable Gift Annuity
At 70 ½, you can make a one-time distribution from an IRA directly to a Charitable Gift Annuity (CGA). CGAs provide a fixed lifetime income.

Appreciated Assets
Consider making an outright gift to Light Bearers using appreciated assets instead of cash. You can realize tax savings on income and capital gains when using stock or real estate.

Consider remembering Light Bearers in your will or trust.


Ty Gibson

Well, there you have it. As I said before, these stories are not mere updates. They are the ripple effects of your compassionate support. There is a direct correlation between your giving and Maria in Nicaragua receiving a Bible at a critical moment and Braeden and Levi spearheading a new ARISE program in Europe.

We’re aware that there are innumerable causes to which you could give your support. So on behalf of our team, and with deep gratitude, I want to say thank you for your partnership. Thank you for changing the universe a little with us this year.

Thank you for changing the universe a little with us this year.

We hope these reflections on 2024 also inspire you as you ponder the future. There is much more gospel work to do, both in Western and developing countries. There is a mass exodus of young adults deconverting and leaving the church. Religion as usual is no longer sufficient. There are people in Africa who fearfully beg a buffet of pantheistic deities for absolution while offering sacrifices. There are nominal believers for whom occasional church attendance is merely a ticket out of the bad place.

The one commonality among them is that they don’t understand the faithful, other-centered love of God. That vital truth is the linchpin of spiritual, emotional, and relational health.

We aim to share that glorious message with them, to vindicate the beauty of God’s character. That’s why, next year, we’re sending seven containers of gospel literature to Central America, Africa, and beyond. We’ll empower young adults at more ARISE Intensives and at ARISE Australia and Finland. We’ll put Light Bearers Español on the map by creating an ever-growing library of Spanish resources.

However, we cannot do this without your continued financial support. You’re unique, irreplaceable. Therefore, each choice you make sets in motion an unrepeatable chain of dominoes in the universe. Those ripples have the potential to become waves and make 2025 look completely different than it would otherwise.

So, I want to invite you to throw another pebble in. Create more ripples with us by giving a special year-end gift using the button below.

In Christ,

Ty Gibson

David giving a speech to a large crowd.


Mark your calendars for the 2025 Light Bearers Convocation.

June 18-21, 2025
Eugene, Oregon

We’re looking forward to seeing you in Oregon!

Want to be notified when registration opens?
Sign up for our email newsletter!


Athel Davis

Renee Barbian

Karyn Lewis

Daniel Sisson

Donna Williams

Nellie Presley

Sophie Nembhard

Cary Mcclain

Carol Johnson

Jacob Maxwell

Katrina Ball

Cynthia Tutsch

Merwyn Crandell

Odochi Okwandu

Clinton Jackson

Patricia Wight

Amy De Jesus

Bob and Barbara Houghton

Rowena Benitez

Bev Stafford

Donald Culpepper

Melissa Monahan

Lisa Jenkins

Aubrey Fautheree

Patricia McQueen

Alvin Davis

Hyacinth Machado

Tom Walters

Ted Nedderman

Tarah Johnson

Keith Boyce

Belinda Parker

Rosie Nash

Kathleen Hooper

Kevin Burman

Sana Quijada

Robert Patterson

Harvey Elder

Daniel Lewis

Stacey Chilson

Richard Westerberg

Susan Duenas

Becky Kilonzo

Cecilia Talbot-Mulkerrin

Donna Johnson

Georgie Evans

Denise Weldemere

Richard Brockman

Brandan Roberts

Megan Newmyer

Warren Abbott

Nathan Vega

Cynthia Keiser

Kathy Jo Duncan

Anita Fuqua

Mark Wessel

Don Driver

Emma Hunt

Glenn and Stephanie Poole

Matt Morea

Donna Williams

Tom Sterndale

Jed Dart

Robert Arthur

Ila Mae Smith

Walker Blair

Barbara Shears

Harvey Pfiefle

Earl Taylor

Sheron Alvarez

Phillip Thew

Sondra Shields

Caroline Lopez

Ina Lockett

Jandi Granucci

Rachel Angollo

Patsy Arnold

Julia Almeida

Karen Sween

Natalie Landry

Chris Michalec

Eddie R Schwab

James H

Althea Scanterbury

Hugh Gray

Eldon Sharon

Hani Nahab

Helen Slighton

Duane Utt

Amar Joshi

John Pedersen

Michelle Alvarez

Laurel Mason

David Sullivan

David Lackey

Laura Younts

Denise Scroggs

Joyce Marter

Cindy Ray

Cathy Nicholas

Russell Williams

Dana Wiley

Sandy Weaver

Patricia Sjoboen

Dorma Facemire

Simon Elloway

Thomas Jacobsen

Marilyn Ford

DuWayne Carlson

Joseph Flechas

Joe Monterola

Sharon Ryan

Benjamin Manzanares

Karen Griggs

Patricia Soto

Darliene Gall

Robert Pumphrey

Lilieth Poleon

Elliott Aguayo

Emma W.

Wanda Wolinski

Michael Doucoumes

Mark Crary

Gerald Gorham

Catherine Clark

Verna Steele

Amy Sutherland

Harlan Shedell

Lois J Plunkett

Kevon Foster

Sheryl Goans

Jarylson Guarin

Waisman Minka

Dorene Sample

Cynthia Mejia

Marie Smith

Bradley Najac

Cynthia Park

Doris Murrell

Heather Langford

Larry Fetke

Michel Mutabazi

Rio Rodgers

Margaret Ringering

Di Ann Randleman

Martin Stavenhagen

Emerson Flestado

Elizabeth Vibbard

Mary Rowe

Melin Narayan

David Greenhut

Bame Sesinye

Eric and Deanna Nelson

Gayla Fickel

Garry Bromham

Brandon Simons

Romana Ramirez

Chris and Kathleen Spinolo

Kathleen Forner

Dianna Lamarr

Linda Elisaia

Martin Wanitschek

Verner Albertsen

Robert and Faye Slattery

Judy Thornton

Chuck Huenergardt

Jeff Wilks

Alvin Young

Irene Moon

Kaelin Peart

Doug and Millie Brown

Kai Barnhart

Josephine Quesenberry

Clifford Nestell

Ella Hano

Edward Paradiso

Mike Hansen

David E. West

Jerry Ellquist

Jodi Salem

Russell Williams

Julio Hernandez

Joe Monterola

David Niermeyer

James Miller

Daniel Escamilla

Michael and Marge

Phebe Saguan-Martin

Mick Tuenge

Brigitte Shepherd

Delores Flowers

Terri Olsen

Lenny Finn

Leia Bispham

Jeannette Mcmurray

Vivian Candelaria

Garry Martin

Veda Marino

Marguerite Scale

Linda Cooke

Nanette Burks

Ms. Clark

Abi Strait

Karen Vogel

Wesley Hansen

Cecelia St. Clair

Van Dyk

Peter White

Barby Booth

Mirjana Popkow

Joyce Hill

Michael and Laurel Jones

Sarah Law

Danya Wilson

Susette Boger

Sigrid Bujak

Juananas Odell

James Smith

Jamie Honey

Marilyn Grass

Aubrey Fautheree

Robert Tarasenko

Athel Davis

Robert Kurtz

Betty Wampler

Vicki Lawrence

Gunnar Levander

Cherie Dorr

David Davies

Mark Swartz

Karen Sutton

Patricia Leonard

Carey Pearson

Debbie Craft

Thomas Bell

Nancy Rader


William Carley

Frida Minassian

Kathy Loewen

Duane Kraft

Maria Stadtlander

Sharon Emery

Beverly Cain

Zoeann Childs

Carole Faubion

Eddy Benoit

Armand Jones

Mark Mulder

Leonard Brand

Greg Leavitt

Monica Edwards- Waisman

Veronica Sanchez

BJ Long

Lee Thompson

Raymond Emond

Sandra Kiser

Mae-Cy Merino

Gary Wart

Robert Raffety

Catherine Clark

Brigitte Zebeljan

Donald R Karpack

Valeria Flynn

Linnea Stonebraker

Ann Burchard

Rebecca Millican

Roberto Reyna

Rick Cruse

Ivonne Aritonang

Sena Smiley


Jennifer Seal

Ronald Frazier

Laurin Von Krueger

Marites Ayapana

Gregg Robinzine

Susan Erickson

Robert Myers

Freda Bradshaw

Arleen Lee

Curtis Feeze

Linda Griffin

Arthur Andrews

Bonnie Nine

Richard Westerberg

Darryl Fogleman

Jacqueline Flottmann

Calvin Border

Karen Allred

Judith Brown

Angela Poch

Stephen and Claudia Chinn

Mark Lewis

Margaret Toler

Herbert Siess

Steve Allred

Darlene Akers

Beryl Rodionoff

Jessica Horvath

Verna Steele

Samantha Layfield

Merle Hoos

Victoria Bates

JR Shaffer

Uriel Belboda

Phil Patterson

Naomi Aguilar

Robert Stanley

Sandra Kolliniatis

Duane Iwamura

Dale Kemmerer

Scott Miller

Dianne Knudson

Mellissa Rouhe

Jahaira Vera

Arthur West

Brian Allen

Tracy Vis

Allen Lewis

Kelsey Robinson

Micah Chaiprakorb

Heidi Houghton

Verley Gordon

Jacques Pierre-Louis

Ferna Surdahl

John Brownlow

Carol Sikora

Susie Randolph

John Witt

Catherine Cadungon

Sidney Perry

Bryan James

Kara Moon

Ruatfeli Hmar

Nanette Burks

Jude M Phillip

Nancy Evans

Susan Jones

Yvonda Kammerer

JR Shaffer

Ray-Anne Shaw

Casey Barnes

Arleen Lee

Peggy Dobson

Randall Whitman

Ardys Tanaka

Trudy Miya

Andray Spence

Joyceline Durand

Dwight and Diana Zillig

Anne Kantor

Betty Lynne Holley

David Green

Betty Hoehn

Gregory Thompson

Moyna Daley

Richard Myers

Rebecca Doperalski

Donna Lanz

Catherine Clark

Philip Davis

Michael Laughlin

Nancy McCullough-Whalen

Cheryl Oldag

Lillian Yarosh

Burdette Millard

Marcos and Norma Leite

Ruth Stanton

Tristan Clarkson

Richard Current

Monica Wildman

Karen Tyler

Kathy Coneff

Larry Moon

Nancy Moss

Betti J Anders

Jenill Emery

Jackie Myers

Cleo Theis

Verna Steele

Anniechiel Correces

Nancy Merkel

Jim Paine

Brad Personius

Eric Ellington

Sean Michael Von Broc

Diana Burnett

Stacy Clements

Todd Patterson

Daneen Achenbach

Fred Mathiesen

Wayne Wright

Bradley Hewett

Kim Butters

Roy Hawkins

Cindy Peterson

Anne Isaac

Tawny Sportsman

Gayle Kenyon

Olga Smith

Louis Cuccia

Michael Koons

Ben Johnson

Charlotte Leonard

Sandra Anderson

Helene Fernander

Franchesca Jones

Gerhard Janetzko

Janice Schirmer

Lynnece Abel

Cheryl Davison

U Torrontegui Ferna

Julian Martinez

Anthony Bremner

Haley Elana

Eric MacLeod

Ralph and Donna Edwards

Stewart and Simone Lewis

Terrie Redden

Elizabeth Foito

Timothy Mizner

Brad and Kathy Miller

Sally McSherry

Merle Shakespeare

Sharon Cook

May Pedersen

Jerry Correces

Tiffany Naughton

Dagmar Carnduff

Carolyn Nakazaki

Keith Rilea

James Boram

Priscilla Lynn

Judy Komperda

Jaden Goldman

Eric Mattson

Carolyn Albarelli

Jean Overstreet

Karen Peckham

Thomas McConnell

Carol Knecht

Renee-Ed Ubry

Louise Paxton

John and Isabel

Jess Simmons

Sam Smith

Everly Batuik

Nzuzo Sowazi

Carol Cain

Lynn Jenkins

Rick Key

Daniel De Klerk

Annstacia Black

Sara Thompson

Stephanie Carlson

Scott Sinclair

Jon Wagner

Janeen Schack

Sharayah Sinclair

Brian & Amy DeLillo

Ledua Brooks

Bob Houghton

Duane Lien



Clayton Coleman

Tom Berning

Lynda Vega

Hazel Smeal

Rachelle Innocent

Deon Bryan

Deanna Green

Starla Overton

Jane Treichler

David Steen

Kathy Capler

Joe Billock

Collene Rognlie-Klick

Les Nicholas

Scott Russell

Richard Case

Jonathan Claussen

Vera Edwards

George Wilson

Terrence Roberts

Jonathan Kelly

Christine Thompson

Joseph Shiu

Angie Leimena

Trudeen Portante

Wayne Summers

Janell Wilson

James Vickroy

Robert Burbank

Mari Hallex

L. Jane Ruf

Angela Jackson

Tom Runnals

Linda Whicker

Lucille Terranova

Candace Sumner

AJ Muhs

Michael Warren

Charles Bazell

Janell Wilson

Brenda Theus

Casey Warkentin

Gerald Just

Maria Botello

Shawn Johnson

Ronald Trautwein

Adrien Charles- Marcel

Theodore Procko

Lettie Gordon

JoAnn Jones-Jackson

Teresa Jepson

Shannon McCary

Barbara Schultz

Zita Veghne Szeles

Bryan Paschal

Sebastian de Armas

Bashar Fargo

Russell Williams

David Jewell

Robert Hunsaker

Oyeronke Alexis

Florian Dodos

James Kee

Jose Zelaya

Arlena Harmony

Weva Decolongon

Glinda Scott

Mary Costa

Nancy Walker

Priscilla May

Jill Cobb

Steven Kunze

Dana Christner

Donna Silsbee

Victoria K Lawrence Estate

James Couperus

Sara Windham

Larisa Seidel

Robert Kennedy

Silsa Moore

Jon Loriezo

Jesse Narvaez

Lawrence Gullie

Carrie Juneau

Benjamin Waagen

Lori Aberle

Chuck Robison

Stephanie Bacchus

Kim Johnson

Quincy Semexan

Nyree Tomkins

Crista Green

Susie Kieling

Marlene Rein

Jesse Lipson

Mitchell and Amanda Fleming

Andre Miller

Scott Bauer

Daniel Thompson

Jane Muinde

Pauline Takata

Cameron Daniér

John Serrano III

Audries Blake

Maria Averill

Nancy Pawley

Wicus Den Dulk

Paul Petersen

Dick Soucy

Scott Charlton

William Wheeler

Michael Beaumont

Paulette Sandefur

Bonnie Runnalls

Lennox McKenzie

Andrea Silos

Howard French

Mary Bullard

Dianne Maharaj

Caroline Roesli

Alfred Rivera

Paula Hernandez

Dan and Carolyn Buckingham

Dee Bowers

Richard Beckermeyer

Alicia Harper-Nash

Julie Segura

Lynette Schenkel

Mike and Victoria Bourland

James Smith

Yvonne Brown

Cheryl Isaac

Gloria Kupferman

Pat Marshall

Judy Gandara

Melva Proctor

Jennifer Oliver

John Rogers

Leonard Miller

Ron Douglas

Margaret Crossan

Warner Downssymonett

Noemi Jan Idowu

Ana Riconscente

Minita Brinkley

Rayna Hamm

Rosie Salcedo

Deborah Cottrell

Velma Collings

Bonnie Wear

Fiona Thomas

Ricardo Muchiutti

Nancy A Valencia

Nohelia Peterson

Dale Buchner

Hannah Leach

Timothy Kimmes

Carol Mangra

Kathleen Cotten

Dan DeHerrera

Gary Dickinson

Lon Mapes

Charlene Wang

Edelweiss Ramal

Heather Baldwin

Jacky Wallace

Natashia Clarke

Lawrence Imes

David Brannon

Patricia Carley

Diondra Harris

Robert Kleinigger

Marie-Michele Robitaille

Shawnee Giles

Godfrey Allure

Catherine Acton

Barry Marden

Richard Sproul

Esther Gwalamubisi

Jackie De Herrera

Sandra Wiebe

Cait Garcia

John Huynh

Lesalyn Peterson

Timothy Prewitt

Rhonda R Wood

Lameck Well

Juan Batista

Dennis Meeker

Mary Hare

Alfred and Adaire Apparcel

Donovan Kurtz

Salenna Russello

Sibongile Gumede

Chasidy O’Neal

Kenneth Schuetz

Kevin Smith

Celia Cruz

Florence Buttermore

Nancy DeGrie

Laura Rodriguez

Clarence Brown

Heather Tangunan

Chelsea Bartlett




Peter Lopez

Nehemias Imperio

Pamla Geschwind

Larry Meissner

Douglas Franklin

Laura Dancek

Don and Ruth Maddy

Norma Sidler

Duane Rana

Vanda Yocum

Rachael Springer

Brittany Stevens

Rhonda Atkins

Rebecca Namihas

Victoria Medina

Elizabeth Saputo

Cherie Marlatte

Dwight Salkey

Timely Chitate

vanessa miller

Cecil Garvin

Oscar Perez

Timothy Fisher

Pamela Heiser

Raymond Spring

Robin Robinson

James Hubert

Sherilyn Quirk

Carolyn Nakazaki

Dianne Watts

Dorothy Burns

Kevin Welch

Doreen Gatien

Kenneth Gilliam

Eugene Stines

Isadora Hampton

Terry Farris

Laia and Joseph

Jane Wilhite

Martha Wiedermann

Shawn Want

Eliot Taylor

Kim Macri

Jody Waterman

Rex Harris

Ritchmy Richard

Darren Johnson

Nona Nowlin

Deanna Wong

Bryan Rowe

Timothy Scheuer

Kathleen Rogers

Norman Boyd

Donna Bellchambers

Jeremy Bamber

Monica Lillywhite


Adriana Cornejo

Marty Helmstetler

Marilyn Ravina

Karolyn Durrenmatt

Nima Faryabi

George Edgerton

Ruth Melendez

Cindy Myhra

Bryan Dooley

Amy Newman

Wendy Day

Tamar Campbell

Mendel Reid

Ester Lopez

Maralyn Hartline

Christine Sieber

Brian Tuzon

Thomas Hennlein

Andres Sequera

Kalissa Jardine

Jeewa Moses

Jaime Parra

Irene Harvey Hellsten

Scott Mcdunnah

France Klatt

Renee Thomas

Norma Wuttke

Bonne Daggett

Eileen West

Debra Milne

Richard Applegate

Rose O’Meara

Michele Daniel

Brenda Rau

Herminia Coria

Merlyn Riggs

Lee Baker

Carolyn Drollinger

Anne Berit Petersen

Julio Sil

Tina Thomsen

Lezlee Walters

Bob Rova

Florence Pelham

Marilyn Johnson

Stanley Shackelford

Jerry Mcclung

Martha Hartman

John Basco

Tasheia Ellison

John Maguire

Mark Bussell

Philip Simmons

Janelle Roberts Perrin

Polly Watson

Vonni Mascarenas

Glenn Hanley

Kate Matthews

June Musser

Mike Nelson

Mary Harrison

Nathaniel Greene

Susan Dupper

Maureen Stapler Crowell

Phoebe Entermann

Lois Turner

Deborah Henry

Sherryl Rampton

Lester and Heather Leno

Aaron Sabartinelli

Breann Coughlin

Clara Mae Watrous

Claudia Flaiz

Miriam Hernandez

Kevin Kellin

Arlene Howard

Jesse Miller

Errol Perilla

Lathern Seeber

Allan Willmott

Hayden Stalker

Brittni Brown

Sandy England

Marilynn Boram

Sylvia Vedamani

Gaylon Hurlston

Sonya Baker

Nicole Brown

Bill and Nanette Ross

Marlene Zandell

Ashok Gopala-Rao

Coralie Lallemand

Tonya Erica

Pramila Thadi

Suzanne Dewbre

William Millard

Tim Jacobsen

David Jones

Carolyn Mcfarland

Rosemary Lubecki

Megan Willson

LaRee Ueeck

Diane Avant

Leslie Lobel

Brian Mears

Ann Brower-

Charles Hackett

Robin Waagen

Philip Toppenberg

Richard Carlson

Karen Fishell

Betty Moon

Learners Test

Joyce Tanada

Darrell Berreth

Donald Culpepper

Sharyn Harris

Sally Linke

Dj Kimberly

Lorie Karls

Faith-Ann Wilson

Lenie Acorda

Aaron Mraz

Eddie Schwab

Angela Pohl


Wendell Driver

Walter Hasselbrack

Linda Zeller

Cheri Ermshar

viki Carrick

Natasha Hess

Barry Wood

Don Wright

Janice Crandall

Edward Russell

Sheryl Collins

Hedy Schmidt

Lisa Allen

Wenefred Caballero

Chong Kim

Robert McCracken

Constance Chavers

Gloria Harding

Brandon Sharp

Laurie Parson

Carla Couchman

Michael Racine

Taresa Vanderoef

Aaron Cottrell

Elaine Collins

Brice Bassett

Pat Moore

Heidi Reyes

Enrique Sanchez-Leon

Gloria Mobley

Wayne Alvarez

Jim Roberts

Maria Richards

Darlene Plaisted

Tawne Johnson

Alvin Washington

Matt Braun

Rhona Evans

Grigoriy Kimaev

Ruben Osuna

Madelyn Callender

David Markoff

Sherwin Faria

Ann Miller

Jodel Mize

Terri Sue Hobbs

Herman Edwin Gang

David Iwasa

Leroy Abrahams

Debra Locker-Gibson

Kenneth Frank

Maria Ornelas

Ivonne M Lopez

Camdra Nelson

Bert Morris

Paulina Plein

Krystal Barnes

Mary Carlin

Anthony Esquivel

Renate Snyder

Robert Benfield

Marsha Irwin

Bruce Hokin

Mark Seibert

Fran Castro

Sable Bobier

Deshan Baptiste

Kaira Danier

Kimber Rhoads

Mayverlla Samples

Katie Gummo


Lloyd Watson

Stephen Smith

Barbara Rhyne

Steve Field

Alesa Fisher

John Bleth

Glynne Hixson

Edna Eliamani

Dan Gabbert

Marilyn Coughren

David Morris

Jean Rieser

Eileen Irvine

Judy Sturgess

Ray Walker

Mailyn Farinas

Deborah Wimmer

Pat DiMarco

Philip Goh

Cheryl Darnell

Mary Strong-Rodriguez

Corinne Robinson

Diane Wallace

Lynelle Smith

Dean Macri

Edward Miller

Nancy Harlow

Vicki Phillips

Jacquie Randall

Kath Balajadia

Dorothee Kidney

Bruce Schmidt

Alma Perez

Antranette Mcfarlen

Betty Wittenberg

Idamae Kennedy

Betty Wriston

Leona Coutts

Vernon Eddlemon

Genevieve Applegate

Celeste Wilson

Larry Ross

Beverly King

Fabián Valencia

Fern Uren

Arthur Hamann

Pam Carbaugh

Gary Davenport

Keith Morrison

Delight Fritz

Kamilyn Longmore

Jessica Lemonius

Arlene Brown- Dominguez

Kat Terlikowski

Dianne Lindsay

Douglas Smith

David Russell

Monika Meyer

Art Andres

Rebecca Hastin

Kenan Remer

Paula Chung

Samuel and Beth

Pam Kendall

Kiley Johnson

Lorraine Mccarthy

Linda Cheney

Paul Hasman

Rosalie Stockil

Heidi Mikulic

Barbara Bailey

Jackie Pyles

Mark Gillis

Jo Bejarano

Jackson Boren

Rhonda Foss

Robin Wadkins

Laurel Haglund

Terry Givens

Randy Dorn

Gregory Lang


Marleny Barb Mingo

Charlene W

Larry and Robyn Lawson

Josiah Madrigal

Andrei Besleaga

Wendy Taylor

Taron Hovsepyan

Alfanso Petty

Carol Holsten

Trudy Braham

M. Garcia

Charissa Kast

Douglas Morgan

Charu Green

Richard Moore

Rhonda Reedy

Sj Lester

Elena Muraviov

Malon Bruce

Diana Roldán

Solomon Amini

John McFarlane

Mary-Ann Gurkin

Rebecca Hayes

Roxie Garoutte

Latchmin Bharath

Jason Settlemier

Charlene Bates

Susan Daniels


Nancy Testerman

Craig Sandberg

Joyce Hicks

Dale Lent

Eugene Heinlein

Rita Rogers

Gloria Brown

Dora Sue Redford

Aimee Ellington

Jose Rivera

Darcy McFarland

David Csokasy

Claudia Yacila

Michael Maxwell

Kim Bobenhausen

Danny Swanton

Deborah Shanks

Mike Hershberger

Orion Trust


Tania Simone Gama Barros

Steve Maguire

Merle Johnson

Roger Young

Mike Goetz

Juan Fernandez

Mark Klein

Daniella Hernandez

Elise Talbert

Silke Hubbard

Jasper Van Meurs

Lisa Hansen

Curtis Eckstein

Claudia Benggon

E Steffen

Evelyn Naidoo

Vanessa Jouett

Betty Harmon

Steve Bandy

Lois Ritchie-Ritter

Faith-Ann Wilson

Vivian Revino

Richard Wold

Rita Scannell

Rhonda Hodges

Raymond Colom

Lynda Varlack

Emily Jurek

Ed Abbott

Michael Gonzalez

Marlene Woods

Matt Wilcut

Angela Fletcher

Jaime Martin

Michael Kitchen

Gayle Rusterholz

Carolyn Snyder

Gretchen Wertz

Kim Rawson

Ray Hulse

Marilyn Bietz

Barbara Kvamme

Suzanne Purdy

Rowena Raines

Elizabeth Radford

Lorretta Von Kort

Merry Fuller

Kathryn Akins

Allen Hawthorne

Skylar Garrison

Beverly Cook

Ilsa Camacho

Rogelio Pulido

Scott Gardner

Chris Hernandez

Luvon Nash

Paola Noriega

JoAnne Lafever

James Rogers

Wanda Wolinski

Becky Cometa

David Lounsberry

Marc Barlow

Kirsten Daley

Mary Lou Erwin

Marie Lopez

Catherine Green

Carrol Mills

Jennifer Waters

Charles Pea

Jesse Miller

Kathy Stanley

Amanda Heard

Jonathan Miller

Natalie Baeza

Kathy Tippit

Pierre Scott

Carolyn McCray

Gloria Brown

Emanuel Pavlik

Sara Cameron

Lorraine Thames

Charles Rollo

Dawn Calder

Narda Parris

Claris Alexander

Joan Bowen

Curtis and Susan Wiltse

Linda Kay Andrews

Deanna Mizer

Sunny Meyers

Violet Waszczuk

Tonya Blundell

Sheila Figgins

Ana C Padilla

Hugo Batres

Laurice Durrant

Nancy Gilbert

Wayne McDaniel

Timothy Gross

Deshan Baptiste

Cheryl Orser

Victoria Cook

Larry Stutzman

Bernie Fraser

Pamela Fletcher

Robert Keeler

Andres Hill

Lily May Tsatalbasidis

Trina Spaziante

Aisha Robinzine

Bernice Benabe

Carlos Monteiro

Dragan Div

Dohn Burce

Sandra Anderson

Kenneth Good

Patricia Anderson

Tony Felix

Frank Brown

Dieter Knobloch

Evangeline Lundstrom

Russell Ray

Brenda Hall

Ralph Neidigh

Nathan Mckee

Linda Hoover

Connie Reynolds

Rachel Mercier

Kurt Schmidt

Leticia Huerta

Chuck Giddens

Robert Miskimen

Edith Miranda-Smith

Stephen Clark

Johanna Deboer

Patricia Tull

Allan and Lori Weekly

Sandra Monette

Claudia Sawicki

Chris Weber

Ro Cha

Award Ruzive

Anthony Ramirez

Kevin Van Tassel

Jonny Vliet

Boyd Hooper

Frank Molina

Lisa Whitman

Lauri Anderson

Lorayne Riley

Diana Antinovich

Luamy Cornejo

Renee Thomas

Sean Pitman

Leon Martin

Antonio Gomez

Charles Sumner

Ron Miller

Jaime Abell

Dexter Shurney

Dallas Kindopp

Jonathan Fritz

Timothy Hawkins

Frank Webb

Samuela Akbescu

Barrett Lemmon

Margie Colclough

Dina Ramirez

Star Digital Print LLC

Danny Kim

Lawrence Fritz

Dina L Martz

Barbara Moore

Lesley Tolan

Mark Dieter

Charles Dean

Venrease Sturlong

Ronald Nelson

Valerie Beck

Patricia Marshall

Sheri Christie

Richard Lien

Ken Richards

Bonnie Mckay

Melissa Ellis

David King

Karol Delgado

Safe Watch Inc

Racquel Stephens

Steven Layfield

Terry Chappelle

Louisa Paul

Yolande Cebert

Lillette David

Adrian Currier

Paula Grudowski

Taylor Ermis

Paul and Doris Arnold

Rebecca Van Hee

Lynden Johnson

Kathryn Shaw

Barbara Chalker

Mark Schewe

Natalie Lewis

Frank Lehner

Amber Turner

AA Construction

Dennis Imperio

Vanessa Danier

Kenneth Henson

Art and Julie Bingman

Rinnah Honey

Timothy Gohr

Kathleen Prosser

Esther Shin

Sharon Leishman

Micheal Ahlfeld

Jeffrey Rosario

Rebecca Siddon

Leslie Heater

Sylvia Tetz

Cassandra Kerr

David Norwood

Janelle Griffin

Clayborn Williams

St Hillaire and Associates

Jesse and Courtney Miller

Vic Casteel

Victoria Fuller

Steve Barnes

Russel Mayer

Theresa Britt

Blanche Yates

Chad Lattimer

Steve Stiers

Clint Peters

Lawrence Coon

Muriel Indermuehle

Tim Johnson

Mary Frey

Donna Frost

Vicky Krehbiel

Darryl Williams

Shelley Veal

Solartech Technologies

Michael Rue

Donna Smith

Jerry Mitchell

Duane Kraft

Wilma Nicholas

Carolyn Harrison

Pumeza Dhlamini

Stephanie Nichols

Valerie Trimmer

Twyla DelPozzi

Star Breedlove

Leticia Varela

Haven Rader

Susie Imperio Lagabon

James Owen

Louis Hester

Rebecca Arama

Sheryl McDonald