Light Bearers' mission is
To vindicate the beauty of God’s character.
How we do it…
We work tirelessly to accomplish our mission by leveraging four primary means.

Light Bearers is the launch pad for an on-fire team of speakers who exalt Christ as the living center of all truth while preaching the full-spectrum message of His Word.
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Those who are won to Christ and ignited with the passion of His love are eager to share with others and we equip them to do so through a discipleship course called ARISE.
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We operate a publishing ministry that puts into circulation hundreds of millions of truth-filled publications in numerous languages, all absolutely free of charge.
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Our total reason for existence as a ministry is to effectively communicate the gospel and equip you to do the same. Audio, video, literature and the web play a major role in this mission.
Find ResourcesWhy we do it…
As the immensely blessed recipients of God’s grace, we possess an abundance of life-transforming truth and we deeply desire to share it with every person on earth.