Sometimes we’re tempted to think that miracles don’t happen today, but I have to tell you about a modern miracle. A little girl named Mulonda was plagued by forces of evil, but she has been set free—in no small part due to the compassionate giving of people like you. Here’s what happened.

Mulonda was walking to school with her friends one morning when they heard her suddenly scream, “I see a coffin! I see a coffin! It’s coming for me!” She did a 180-degree turn and ran like a cheetah toward the forest. Bewildered, some friends chased her, and some went to get her parents and the village elders.

Mulonda was walking to school with her friends one morning when they heard her suddenly scream, “I see a coffin! I see a coffin! It’s coming for me!”

When Mulonda reached the woods, she collapsed. Soon her parents, the elders, and her friends surrounded her. Their eyes widened in horror as they realized Mulonda was not unconscious. She was in a trance, unable to get up, her eyes open and fixed on the sky.

In a voice that shook like a leaf, someone piped up, “Maybe we should call a witch doctor.”

“Why would we ask a demon to free our child from a demon?” Mulonda’s father growled.

Someone else suggested they hire a “prophet.” In many regions of Africa, there are so-called prophets who promise blessings of wealth, children, and relationships—all for a good price. This idea sounded better than a witch doctor. Someone in the group said, “You should call Jones. He’s a prophet.”

Jones is a Bible worker from Riverside Farm in Zambia. The next day, Mulonda’s mother knocked on his door, asking, “Are you a prophet?”

“No, but I can pray,” Jones replied.

He’d never prayed for someone in Mulonda’s condition, but he had faith. He prayed and sang over her for eight hours. No response. Finally, he asked again that Jesus would dwell with her. Then he said, “Mulonda, are you there?”

she saw her sister—who had died two years before

To his surprise, she answered. Mulonda’s ecstatic parents and Jones listened with mouths open as she shared what she saw leading up to her trance. While walking to school, she saw her sister—who had died two years before—on the road. Terrified, Mulonda watched the figure morph into a levitating coffin that began flying like a bat towards her. She turned and ran. As she approached the woods, she saw a graveyard of tombs. She peeked over her shoulder and saw the coffin on her heels. She reached the woods, and then the next thing she saw was Jones’ face.

After her hair-raising experience, Mulonda studied the Bible with Jones using our Truth Link Bible study guides. She discovered the freedom Jesus gives and, along with several others, was baptized.

Though “the rulers of the darkness of this age” may take on different forms in various parts of the world, everyone is fighting them (Ephesians 6:12). We at Light Bearers believe that Jesus can banish these forces in any community. That is why we are committed to distributing gospel literature. If you haven’t yet, I’d like to invite you to consider partnering with us financially as we proclaim the good news of Jesus’ power.

A person with short hair, wearing a black buttoned shirt, stands on a stage with a microphone headset. The background is blurred, featuring blue and white lights. The person appears to be speaking or giving a presentation.
Ty Gibson

In addition to being a speaker, Ty is the director of Light Bearers. As a passionate communicator, with a message that opens minds and moves hearts, Ty teaches on a variety of topics, emphasizing God's eternal love as the central theme of the Bible. Ty and his wife Sue have three children and two grandchildren.