Pastor David Asscherick had the privilege of preaching a week of revival sermons at the campus of Oakwood University in Huntsville, Alabama. The meetings were held from April 13 to 17. Assistant Chaplain Marquis Johns enthusiastically remarked, “The Spirit has definitely been with us this week. Pastor Asscherick’s spirit-filled and biblically-grounded sermons were certainly used by the Almighty. Hundreds and hundreds of hearts have been challenged, inspired, and encouraged, mine included!” Pastor Asscherick’s theme centered on experiencing and knowing the God of Scripture for one’s self. Many appeals were extended and a great many decisions were made. Pastor Asscherick had this to say about the week: “Honestly, I think God had me go to Oakwood for me. The students and staff ministered to me through their sincerity, hospitality, and genuine fellowship. My heart is in Oakwood!”
Wonderfully, the entire series was captured on both audio and video and is available from Pan de Vida Productions. Click here or call 1-866-772-9368 for more information on obtaining the series. Pastor Asscherick will be returning to the Huntsville area to preach a weekend revival at Madison Mission September 10 and 11, 2010.
ARISE is committed to hastening the return of the Lord and furthering the Kingdom of God through the Bible-centered ministries of preaching, teaching, and discipling. The Oakwood Revival is a case in point of exactly what ARISE is all about. Our mission is to equip effective soul winners! Our passion is the loving character of God! Thank you, Oakwood, for sharing that mission and passion! And thank you ARISE students and supporters for all you do to make ARISE what it is!
Note: Pastor Asscherick wanted us to mention that he thoroughly enjoyed playing basketball with his brothers from Oakwood (see picture below), and to remind them that he made the game-winning shot for the last game. “I was, by far, the worst player there, but even a blind squirrel finds a nut every now and then,” he said.

Light Bearers
Light Bearers' mission is to vindicate the beauty of God’s character. As the immensely blessed recipients of God’s grace, we possess an abundance of life-transforming truth and we deeply desire to share it with every person on earth.