What a privilege it was to conduct the Week of Spiritual Emphasis at the General Conference World Headquarters earlier this year! Blessings continue to flow from that experience. One such blessing is the cover feature article for the current edition of the Adventist Review. One of the Review’s associate editors, Kimberly Luste Maran, took my second presentation from the week and turned it into an article. And she did a great job! It still “feels” like an oral presentation, but is also very readable. This was, I am sure, not easy to pull off. So my hat is off to the excellent team there at the Review. Thank you for the work you do for Jesus!
I hope you enjoy reading the article as much as I enjoyed preaching it!

David Asscherick
David is a speaker/director for Light Bearers and ARISE co-founder and instructor. Since his baptism in 1999, David has traveled the globe preaching and teaching the gospel of Jesus Christ. He and his wife Violeta are the happy parents of two boys, Landon and Jabel.