Each year Light Bearers Ministry sends containers of literature to developing countries all over the world. Each container holds about 2 million tracts and often includes Bibles and other inspired books like The Great Controversy and The Desire of Ages. The cost for these containers is covered by the large and small donations sent to us for this purpose. You, then, are the reason we are reaching millions of people with the message of the everlasting gospel. You give to God’s cause at Light Bearers and we print and ship the literature and then request a report from the field as to how the literature was used. Containers leave Light Bearers and travel for several weeks and even months to their final destination. Once there, the container is unloaded and stored in a safe location. It is then made available through the local division, union, conference, or supportive ministry for outreach. It may take months, or even a year, to utilize all the material sent. Then we often receive a full report noting how the literature was used to impact lives and hearts for God’s kingdom. The following report is from the country of Kenya, on the continent of Africa. This report lets you know how your support has made a huge difference for eternity.
Thanks to the kindness of Light Bearers Ministry, East-Central Africa Division (ECD) was able to distribute Bible studies and books to the members within the division. Most of the literature was given to local churches to give out to its members. Some went to the Central Kenya Conference. The Great Controversy, Desire of Ages, Signs of the Times were among the literature that was handed out in the evangelistic campaign that took place at the University of Nairobi.
Here are the local churches that were blessed by your donation:
- Nkoroi Seventh-day Adventist Church is a center that distributes Bible lessons. Sister churches collect the lessons from this church and give them to individuals who take them door-to-door.
- Kiserian Main Seventh-day Adventist Church is a church that received literature and is also a church that is a center for Bible lesson distribution.
- Kiserian South Seventh-day Adventist Church, Matasia Seventh-day Adventist Church, Rongai East Seventh-day Adventist Church, Kandisi Seventh-day Adventist Church, Kataka Seventh-day Adventist Church, and Shouri Moyo Seventh-day Adventist Church.
It was decided that the Bible lessons were distributed to individual churches because they organize evangelistic campaigns twice or so a year. Personal evangelism is also done by members from these churches and it is a challenge for them to look for materials for the work. Now that the churches have these materials, it will be easier for the members to avail of them. Lessons and books were also given to the theology students at University of Eastern Africa Baraton.
Bible lessons were distributed to individual churches because they organize evangelistic campaigns twice or so a year.
The Kenya Conference is very active in reaching souls in prisons with the Bible lessons. A trained pastor and prison officer will be leading a very big graduation of inmates in Kamiti prison on May 7, 2019 as a result of the lessons received from Light Bearers.
Athi River Prison in Kenya was given a two-acre piece of property because a Seventh-day Adventist Church was established as a result of Bible lessons donated from your office. Recently a prison officer visited our office requesting more lessons. We gave him 100 lessons the first time and he kept on coming for more. Kamiti GK Prison gave Adventist inmates a place to worship and an office to keep their things after Sabbath. As a result, many received Jesus and were baptized.
ECD appreciates the donation and is truly grateful. We anticipate many souls won through your literature. Please do not hesitate to bless us with more materials in the future, as the need for this literature is great.
…it can be very challenging for members to do outreach because they lack materials to work with.
Thank you so very much and God bless you.
East-Central Africa Division
You may have noticed in reading this letter, but in case you didn’t, it can be very challenging for members to do outreach because they lack materials to work with. This is a common problem that this literature solves, allowing eager members to engage in winning souls.
I hope you were blessed by reading how your support in this simple mode of literature ministry is making a huge impact for Jesus in countries and prisons all over the world. Amen.

James Rafferty
James has spent more than 30 years preaching the gospel around the world in revival seminars and evangelistic meetings. He and his wife Risë have two adult children, Jeiel and Kierra.