Mungu ibariki Afrika!
[God Bless Africa!]
Here at Kibidula Farm in Tanzania, we were very happy to receive a container of Bible studies from Light Bearers in October of last year. Since then, we have been working hard to distribute them to the people. The Word of God is going out all over the country, from Arusha in the north to Mbeya in the south; from Dar es Salaam in the east, to Sumbawanga in the west. We are daily receiving phone calls from pastors, laymen, and missionaries requesting boxes. It is exciting! These Bible studies are truly a wonderful ministry. Just last week one of our leading evangelists told me how happy people are to know that these studies are available in Tanzania. Their influence is far reaching. In fact, there are several students attending our school of evangelism this semester who cite that their first contact with our precious message was through Light Bearers Bible studies. God is good! Seed is being sown!
A Report from the Front
Please allow me to share with you this story from a lay missionary:
Kindly find a brief report regarding the leaflets you gave to me to facilitate the effort done at Ishenga village, which is located at Singida rural area in Kiomboi district.
This village consists of 1,000 villagers who are mainly small-scale farmers with a few livestock to sustain their living.
It is a village which had no Seventh-day Adventist believers until the evangelists landed there this year. The nearest SDA church is located 40km from Ishenga village.
The evangelism campaign lasted four weeks, of which the first week was door to door visitation whereby the Yachunguze Maandiko and Gundua Vijuzuu (Bible studies from Light Bearers) played a vital role to open classes.
We are daily receiving phone calls from pastors, laymen, and missionaries requesting boxes.
Because of them, 32 people accepted Jesus as their Lord and Savior and were ready to be baptized. Due to transport logistics and an unconfirmed day of baptism, 10 managed to be baptized the first day and another six the second day.
A full-time evangelist has been appointed to mentor the new members and help keep their faith in Jesus strong. We plan to go again next year to continue with the program.
I hope you will be in a position to extend more support for the Vijuzuu again because we will also try to reach the remaining part of the village and other nearby villages as well. Evangelism efforts are being conducted in many other locations and the studies play a very important part. We held an effort in the village of Madibira in November and I remember visiting shop owners around the area where we were staying. One lady already had a study on her desk. It had been lent from another person and had her name written on it to ensure its return. The written word is precious here. People don’t take it for granted.
Another time we were building One-Day Churches in the mountains to the east of Iringa. I had to return to the area several weeks later to do some repairs. I thought I would bring some Bibles, books, and Bible studies to give away. When we made it to the most remote village of the trip, perched upon a steep ridge, we discovered an effort was to begin in several days. When I showed the missionary the materials I had brought he was so happy! Here is a picture of several of the ladies from that village.
Friends, we know that time is short. The door is still open in this country to receive God’s Word. People very much want to know and understand the Bible. They are eager and willing. What a wonderful opportunity! Please help us to continue providing Light Bearers Bible studies and other gospel materials to the people of Tanzania.
In His service,
Bill Ross

Light Bearers
Light Bearers' mission is to vindicate the beauty of God’s character. As the immensely blessed recipients of God’s grace, we possess an abundance of life-transforming truth and we deeply desire to share it with every person on earth.