Victor walked the dirt roads of his village, carrying more than just an invitation. With each home he visited and every warm “Musana mwane” he offered, he prayed that God would open hearts to the truth and that people would be inspired to attend the week of prayer he was going to preach. As a Bible worker with Riverside Farm in Zambia, Victor had a simple yet profound mission: to share God’s love.
What made this possible? Someone like you. Because of the generous giving of people like you, Victor had the tools he needed to make his week of prayer a reality—Truth Link Bible study guides he could use to nurture relationships and make disciples.
For Victor, baptizing people wasn’t the only goal
When the week began, Victor saw his prayers answered. Night after night, more than 100 people packed into the tiny church to hear the gospel. He preached about God’s love using Truth Link, teaching that “God is love and we are made in His image.” By the end of the week, 30 people had decided to follow Jesus and be baptized.
Obviously, this was a victory worth celebrating, but for Victor, baptizing people wasn’t the only goal. For the next several months, Victor spent time regularly visiting the new believers from the week of prayer, helping them understand what it means to follow Jesus. He wanted to solidify their long-term commitment.
However, there are many people for whom a week of prayer is not long enough to make a decision for Jesus. Some take longer, like Ngoni.
Ngoni, a teacher whose school happened to be next door to the church, heard Victor’s sermons through his open windows during the week of prayer. Something stirred in his heart. After the event ended, Ngoni approached Victor with a question: Would he be willing to study the Bible with him one-on-one?
Victor gladly said yes.
For the next two months, Ngoni and Victor met regularly to study Truth Link—sometimes under the shade of a mango tree, sometimes sitting on traditional grass-woven mats. They explored the Bible together, with Ngoni asking thoughtful questions about God and faith.
By the end of their studies, Ngoni was ready to commit his life to Christ. He was baptized and now is not only a primary school teacher but also a Bible teacher, sharing the truths he’s discovered with others in his community.
Victor’s story is one of many that shows the ripple effect of the generosity of people like you.
When you give to Light Bearers, you’re supporting intentional ministry. Our partners submit strategic plans for how they will use the literature we send, ensuring it goes to people and places where it will have a lasting effect. Your impact doesn’t stop at baptisms. It grows in every life that learns to follow Jesus—and in every person they disciple in turn.
Victor’s story is one of many that shows the ripple effect of the generosity of people like you. Truth Link study guides, provided through donor support, are tools that he and other Bible workers use to disciple others, and thus they are helping to transform lives. Your gift sends more literature to faithful partners, equips Bible workers, and builds the kingdom of God through our other gospel proclamation projects.
In order to help more people like Victor make a lasting impact through literature and our other projects, we need your support. If you haven’t already, would you consider partnering with us financially?

Ty Gibson
Ty is a speaker/director of Light Bearers. A passionate communicator with a message that opens minds and moves hearts, Ty teaches on a variety of topics, emphasizing God’s unfailing love as the central theme of the Bible. Ty and his wife Sue have three adult children and two grandsons.