As 2012 ends, we here at Light Bearers are rejoicing at how God has led. Here’s a recap of the year:
ARISE Internship Program
In January we launched the ARISE Internship Program. Eight students from our 2011 graduating class stayed on for one year of additional training, mentoring and community ministry. We have grown close to these quality young people and have found great joy in watching them employ their skills to advance God’s kingdom and flourish as individuals. As we launch into 2013, some of them will remain with us and become Bible workers on the University of Oregon campus.
ARISE 10-year Anniversary
2012 marked the 10-year anniversary of ARISE, our discipleship training course. Preparatory to the 2012 class, we spent two weeks completely recreating the entire program—re-visioning, restructuring and rewriting the curriculum from the ground up. What emerged was The Story—a new program that teaches the full end-time message within a storyline narrative of God’s faithful love for humanity. Currently, we have 45 students enrolled in the course who will be graduating this month (December). As teachers, we love the new approach, and the response from the students has been overwhelmingly positive.
Light Bearers Ministry has a team of four on-fire preachers: Jeffrey Rosario, James Rafferty, David Asscherick and Ty Gibson. In 2012, they held meetings throughout the US and in various countries around the world, including Kenya, Australia, New Zealand, France, Portugal, Nova Scotia [not a country], Guatemala, Austria and the Czech Republic.
Australia Bible Boot Camp
In May, we held a two-week Bible Boot Camp on the campus of Avondale College in Australia. More than 350 people enrolled. The enthusiasm was super high. Session by session, the truth for our time was unfolded within the illuminating context of God’s beautiful character of love. For many of our Australian brothers and sisters, this event brought personal revival and restored their motivation to share the gospel. Growing out of this event, and previous sets of meetings we’ve held Downunder, Light Bearers, in partnership with the North New South Wales Conference, will be launching our full-length Cornerstone program in Australia, beginning this coming year.
New videos have recently been added to, and more are coming in 2013. This is a project specifically intended for reaching unbelievers, people who know little about God or the Bible, but have questions and curiosity. The Digma videos are short (about 7 minutes each), engaging and packed with carefully constructed insights into the character of God. You can click on any video, write a personal email message, and send it to a friend, acquaintance or family member to generate discussion. We hope you’ll make this a tool for sharing your faith.
More than 22 million truth-filled publications flew off our presses this year. Countries that received shipments of literature include Jamaica, Zimbabwe, Uganda, Tanzania, Kenya, Mauritius, Madagascar and Angola. Please pray for the countless men and women that have, and the many more that will, encounter the Savior through this printed material.
As this year ends and the new year opens before us, it is with heartfelt appreciation that we thank you for your prayers and your financial support of Light Bearers Ministry.

Light Bearers
Light Bearers' mission is to vindicate the beauty of God’s character. As the immensely blessed recipients of God’s grace, we possess an abundance of life-transforming truth and we deeply desire to share it with every person on earth.