AYC (Australian Youth Conference) 2010 was the third installment of a youth conference that began because of a desire among the Adventist youth of Australia to fulfill the gospel commission. Matt Parra was invited as a plenary and workshop presenter along with Pastor Dwight Nelson of Pioneer Memorial SDA Church, Peter Gregory of Iona Missions, and Dr. Neil Nedley of Weimar Center of Health and Evangelism.
Over 900 young people gathered at two sites (Melbourne and Sydney) to be inspired, challenged, and trained to share their faith in the risen Saviour. Not only were the youth hearers of the Word they were also doers as they went out from door to door doing surveys and seeking for those who were interested in studying the Bible. Dozens of Bible study contacts were made and a faithful group of It Is Written Bible workers are already following up those interests. Matt Parra testified that he had the best time going door-to-door that he has ever had during a youth conference.
God is working through various ministries in these last days in order to achieve His objective of alerting the world of His soon return. ARISE is blessed to be a small part of what He is doing and we, along with ministry partners like you, can praise Him for what He is doing. If you have not already, will you join with us as we continue to inspire, train, and empower our young people to serve God with their whole hearts?

Light Bearers
Light Bearers' mission is to vindicate the beauty of God’s character. As the immensely blessed recipients of God’s grace, we possess an abundance of life-transforming truth and we deeply desire to share it with every person on earth.