In May 2018, Pastor Mark Finley and his team conducted a series of evangelistic meetings in Mwanza, Tanzania, with satellite sites in all districts of South Nyanza Conference. A few satellite sites were also established in the Dutwa district. The Bible lessons provided by Light Bearers Ministry were used during these meetings. In the Dutwa district alone, 1,581 souls were baptized. The total number of baptisms from all the sites were more than 21,500. What a blessing!
I had the privilege of visiting the Dutwa district to witness the results of the Bible lessons and received the following wonderful and powerful testimony.
Mr. Nhandi Masaka Kachala, a village leader for the community of Dutwa, was responsible for the safety of the satellite sites for the duration of the meetings. The church approached him for advice on where the sites should be established and for permission to have them. They requested sites where there are high concentrations of people. Unfortunately, the local pubs and bars are located at these populated areas. The noise from the pubs and bars would clash with the evening satellite broadcasts.
Mr. Nhandi called a meeting with all the owners of the pubs and bars. The only option was to close their businesses for the duration of the meetings for safety and the sake of peace. Many owners reluctantly agreed but some were not happy about losing business and complained bitterly.
The same pub owners who were complaining about their drinking places being closed came to attend the preaching of God’s Word and studied the lessons as well.
Nhandi, with many other government officials, was personally invited to the meetings as the chief of security. All received the Bible lessons to study. Nhandi was impressed by the truth on the state of the dead. He saw Jesus as the only Saviour to run to as his security and place of safety. Nhandi, together with some of the government officials, decided to follow Christ and be baptized. God’s Spirit was at work and changes were taking place.
The same pub owners who were complaining about their drinking places being closed came to attend the preaching of God’s Word and studied the lessons as well. More than 10 of the pub and bar owners were baptized! Needless to say, these pubs and bars were closed permanently. People’s lives were miserable because of alcohol, but they are now respected members in the community and the church. Praise and glory to God!
Nhandi witnessed the power of God in these conversions and his own, and he decided to be an evangelist in the Dutwa district. God gives him opportunities to share his faith. They called him when there were cases of demon possession amongst the girls in the nearby secondary school. He went to the school to pray for these girls and God’s power was once again witnessed as the girls were set free from dark spiritual forces. He also saw the power of God in setting people free from alcohol addiction. The fear of God came over Dutwa. As a result, more doors are opening for the gospel.

Meiring Pretorius
Meiring works on the ground where Light Bearers literature is sent and writes regular reports on the progress of the literature work in these areas.