Sweeter Than Honey
A young man with an impressive name, Ernest Mukwekwe, was not satisfied with how the truths of the Bible were being taught in his church. Ernest was earnest to know the Lord. Someone handed him a Bible lesson from Light Bearers. This started his journey in a new direction, studying one lesson at a time. More and more he was losing interest in what he was taught from childhood. When asked why he was losing interest in his old beliefs, his reply was simple and deep: “You cannot enjoy a banana after eating honey.” The truth as it is in Christ was so sweet to him that he could no longer enjoy anything else. Ernest asked for more visits from the evangelist because he wanted his wife to taste the sweet truths of God’s Word. The visits continued until Ernest and his wife made the decision together to give their hearts to Christ.
An Old Witch Comes to Jesus
A woman known as a witch was troubled by her granddaughter’s habit of reading some “spiritual papers.” She didn’t know what the publications were about, but thought the girl was being lazy, spending too much time reading. She tried everything a witch could think of to stop her granddaughter from reading these papers, but had no success. Like Mary of Bethany, the girl had chosen the better pursuit of time with Jesus. Eventually, the concerned grandmother asked, “Why are you so interested in these papers?” The granddaughter began telling her the stories she was learning from the Bible lessons. The old woman soon wanted to study for herself. However, she couldn’t read. So they asked the local pastor to help. Eventually, she was baptized. This was significant not only because people rarely change in old age, but because moving away from witchcraft to Jesus was a huge transition. But make the change she did. When she learned about her Savior, she burned all her satanic charms. There is life-giving power in the Word of God. She is now looking forward to the second coming of her Savior.
The old woman soon wanted to study for herself. However, she couldn’t read.
Through the Radio
Gift Mulenga (yes, his name is Gift) listened to Radio Maranatha on February 9, 2017. It was the same day the conference president of the Midlands Zambia Conference and another worker for the Lord, Francis Chabi, launched the Voice of Prophecy radio program in Zambia. On it, we called the community to enroll in The Voice of Prophecy Bible School. Amazingly, the same day, Gift Mulenga knocked on the door of my office requesting enrollment. I gave him a full set of Discover Lessons from Light Bearers and offered a prayer for him. Less than a week later he came back to my office, bringing the completed set of lessons. After marking them, we gave him a certificate. When we asked what truths he discovered, he said he learned the purpose of the second coming of Jesus and how Jesus died to save him from sin. He also learned how to worship on Sabbath. Gift started attending worship services. He also shared the Bible lessons with three of his friends who also completed the lessons and participated in the graduation service.
All Ten
Benson Chibiya is a nurse midwife by profession, practicing at Nalwei Rural Health Centre in Mongu, West Zambia. The is the story of his conversion. At the age of 13, while reading the Bible, he came across the Ten Commandments in Exodus 20. Verse eight of the same chapter was interesting to him because it mentioned the Sabbath day. Being a child, he did not understand why he went to church on Sunday. He asked his grandmother, but she did not give a satisfactory answer. The question lingered in his mind until he went to college. There he decided to do some research on the origin of Sunday as a day of worship. He discovered that Sunday worship originated in the Roman Empire and that Constantine had a major role to play in it. He tried to console himself with the idea that the correct day doesn’t matter. Then one day, he read James 2:10-11: “For whosoever shall keep the whole law, and yet stumble in one point, he is guilty of all.” This raised a serious concern for him. According to this passage, keeping only nine commandments when he knew differently made him guilty of breaking all ten. During an evangelistic meeting held in his town, Benson received a set of Bible lessons from Light Bearers. The wonderful truth about God’s day of rest became crystal clear to him. Benson accepted Jesus as his Saviour and was baptized soon after the meetings were done, along with 28 others who gave their lives to Christ.

Meiring Pretorius
Meiring works on the ground where Light Bearers literature is sent and writes regular reports on the progress of the literature work in these areas.