Someone told me that someone had a friend who was told by someone else that, ā€œARISE Bible workers donā€™t get results.ā€ Sure, a rumor is a rumor, but the alleged statement does actually raise an important question, one that Iā€™ve been asking for more than a decade: What is ARISE trying to accomplish?Ā 

The answer starts with a little history.

ARISE began in 2002 when Pastor Nathan Renner and myself partnered with the Michigan Conference and the Troy Seventh-day Adventist church to start ā€œan evangelism school.ā€ Our first class had 28 students who attended the 16-week program. We did our best, but I do cringe a bit when I think of some of the things we said and did in that inaugural session. Compared to the quality of ARISEā€™s current programs, in both content and presentation, those early sessions arenā€™t even in the same league. We did our best, yes, but our best has gotten better. This is to be expected.

Going back further still, in 1997, as fresh-faced converts, Nathan and I both graduated from a similar program, a 16-week ā€œmission college.ā€ The emphasis of that program was evangelismā€”the what, how to, how not to, when, and where. The goal was to graduate ā€œsoulwinnersā€ many of whom, it was understood, would go on to become ā€œBible workers.ā€ As a recent believer, all of this language was new to me. The program was a solid program, and was just what I needed in those nascent months.

Being a dutiful graduate, I went straight from the program into Biblework and evangelism, a position I would occupy for five years. Nathan had a similar experience. In 2002, I accepted a call to pastor the Troy, Michigan Seventh-day Adventist Church. Nathan had already accepted a call to pastor in Michigan the year before.

Then we were given the opportunity of a lifetime by Michigan Conference leadership: start a school of evangelism ourselves. We jumped at the opportunity.

Predictably, we taught a combination of what weā€™d been taught five years earlier and what we ourselves had gleaned in the intervening decade of combined ministry. In that first program we worked ourselves to the bone with the help of others, one Mary Bernt (cook-administrator-secretary-mentor-health educator-mom) in particular.

We were gearing much of our instruction to those who wanted to become Bible workers, but most didnā€™t want to become Bible workers.

ARISEā€™s acronym, A Resource-Institute for Soulwinning and Evangelism, aptly communicated what we were all about. We were in the business, largely, of training Bible workers for the Michigan Conference. Some of those Bible workers faired really well. Others struggled.

A note on Biblework is now in order. First, Bibleworkā€”finding, giving, facilitating, and managing community Bible studiesā€”is hard, hard work. I know from both experience and observation. It is not easy to be a Bible worker, particularly in a dead or dying church, and more particularly still if the Bible worker is working alone, without a team. Very often, the pay is low and the expectations are high. Some are placed in good situations and prosper, while others are placed in less than ideal situations and languish. Not all Bible workers are created equal and neither are all situations in which they can be placed. Thus, not all ā€œresultsā€ are the same.

Iā€™ll return to this momentarily, but, for now, back to ARISE.

After we had a few programs under our belt, Nathan and I began to realize that most of those who were attending ARISE had no desire or ambition to enter full-time ministry, either as a Bible worker or a pastor. Many, perhaps most, already knew what they wanted to do professionally or academically. Nurses, teachers, doctors, tradesmen, social workers, students and more made up the majority of those who were attending ARISE. To put a number on it, 30% or less of any given class had any developed or intentional interest in full-time ministry.

So we had a problem.

We were gearing much of our instruction to those who wanted to become Bible workers, but most didnā€™t want to become Bible workers.

This realization did not happen in a moment, but, like the dawning day, became clearer and clearer over time. So what did we do? Naturally, we shifted the programā€™s focus. That shift involved a movement away from a Biblework and full-time ministry preparation, and toward personal conversion and discipleship. Now we were scratching where everybody was itching, those with full-time ministry ambitions and those without them.

Over time the ā€œBibleworkā€ language and emphasis began to fade from ARISEā€™s vernacular and focus. Itā€™s not that Biblework isnā€™t important, or that it isnā€™t a noble pursuit to run a program designed around that end. ARISE had just evolved. (Yes, I just wrote that sentence.)

So what about ā€œresultsā€?

This is, in my view, a wrongheaded and ultimately ambiguous concept without a meaningful metric.

Here at ARISE weā€™re not trying to produce Bible workers.

As someone who has spent years in Biblework and has conducted dozens of evangelistic campaigns, I can say with certainty that the whole concept of ā€œresultsā€ in an evangelistic context is slippery and inexact. Iā€™ve seen evangelists and Bible workers artificially inflate their ever-important ā€œnumbersā€ to impress an employer, church, or colleague. Iā€™ve held meetings where hundreds have been baptized, and Iā€™ve held meetings where, despite my biblical preaching and impassioned pleas, no one was baptized.

ā€œResultsā€ are tricky. Consider Jesusā€˜ ministry. Was His ministry successful? Certainly. Was it ā€œsuccessfulā€ in a way that couldā€™ve been easily apprehended by some kind of ā€œresultsā€ metric? Certainly not.

Examples could be multiplied.

So, has ARISE, over the last decade, trained and mentored many astoundingly ā€œsuccessfulā€ full-time ministers, including Bible workers, pastors, evangelists, and even conference officers? Yes, it has.

Has ARISE, over the last decade, trained and mentored some less ā€œsuccessfulā€ ministry workers? Yes, it has. But why werenā€™t the ā€œresultsā€ there? The answer is rarely easy. It could be a hundred things. And one of those things is this: the ā€œresultsā€ may actually be there, unseen to our human eyes, but evident and beautiful to the eyes of Him who sees all things as they actually are.

Here at ARISE, weā€™re not trying to produce Bible workers. We havenā€™t been for years now.

So then, What is ARISE trying to accomplish?

Thatā€™s an easy one.

Weā€™re laboringā€”in mind, body, soul, and exampleā€”to lift up Jesus Christ in the context of the Three Angelsā€™ Messages and to teach our students how to do the same. Our consistent and insistent refrain is the personal conversion and discipleship of our students.

Some will become Bible workers and pastors.

Most will not.

And ultimately God alone will measure all of their ā€œresultsā€, which, really, are His ā€œresultsā€ anyway.

A person wearing glasses, a red sweater, and a black quilted vest with the "Light Bearers" logo stands against a textured wall with arms crossed, smiling at the camera.
David Asscherick
Speaker/Director at Light Bearers

David is a speaker/director for Light Bearers and ARISE co-founder and instructor. Since his baptism in 1999, David has traveled the globe preaching and teaching the gospel of Jesus Christ. He and his wife Violeta are the happy parents of two boys, Landon and Jabel.