Freedom and the unknown can be terrifying. But beyond captivity lies joy, purpose and fulfillment that is inconceivable. It’s the promised land, and it’s waiting for you!
01 - Pharaoh Oppresses Israel
Ty Gibson
02 - A Deliverer Is Born
Jeffrey Rosario
03 - The Burning Bush Encounter
David Asscherick
04 - Let My Peoeple Go
Silvia Bacchiocchi
05 - Yahweh Renews His Covenant With Israel
Ty Gibson
06 - The Plagues of Egypt
David Asscherick
07 - The Passover
Jeffrey Rosario
08 - The Plagues of Egypt
Silvia Bacchiocchi
09 - Bread from Heaven and Water from Rocks
Jeffrey Rosario
10 - A Kingdom of Priests
Ty Gibson
11 - Israel's Rebellion and God's Glory
Silvia Bacchiocchi
12 - Make Me a Sanctuary
David Asscherick
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