Nelly is an Australian lady who worked as a prostitute around the world. However, today she is a faithful missionary of the Word of God in Australia and beyond. This is her story.
It all began in 2010 when Nelly graduated with a master’s degree in accounting in New Zealand. During school, Nelly had a friend doing the same course. Her friend seemed to always have a lot of money. Nelly found out she had worked as a prostitute for a while. Upon graduation, she invited Nelly to join her in the business. At the prospect of travelling the world and making serious money, Nelly was in. She began in New Zealand and, indeed, money began flowing in.
Before long, North America was calling. Off they went to LA, where they made even more money. Little did Nelly know she was truly lost. Life was good, but there was one obstacle that was ever haunting them: the immigration laws. They didn’t have proper documentation to stay long in the US without having to face the law.
Nelly found out she had worked as a prostitute for a while. Upon graduation, she invited Nelly to join her in the business.
After a few months they had to leave. South Africa was their next destination. And, as always, the money was flowing. Attending to an average of 15 wealthy customers per day, Nelly was earning roughly US$400 per day.
After a few months in South Africa, it was time to move again. This time the destination was Kenya in East Africa. While in East Africa, they worked in an organized fashion with pimps and groups of beautiful young ladies from various countries around the world. Targeting mostly well-to-do clientele, the pimps had organized their business stations in hotels around the big cities of East Africa—Nairobi, Dar es Salaam, and Kampala.
However, prostitution is illegal and often connected with drug dealing. It’s a dangerous trade. It was under these circumstances that Nelly’s Australian friend from university days was shot and killed in Kampala.
One cool evening in one of Dar es Salaam’s suburbs where Nelly was based, she received an order. As she opened the door to the hotel room to welcome her customer, a young, tall man walked in and introduced himself: “I am your friend, Peter Daudi, and I am here just to talk to you as a friend, not for your services.” Stunned and confused, Nelly was spellbound. A thousand questions were flying through her head. Who was this man? After further introductions, Peter asked Nelly two questions: “How would you feel having your own family one day? What memories do you think you are creating for your family right now?” Suddenly Nelly broke down into tears. She reached for her normal clothes to wear so that she could talk while properly dressed.
Peter gave her a business card and further explained to her that he was an evangelist and told her that she could call him if she wanted to talk more. Peter gave her roughly US$150 for “wasting” her time. She was even more stunned, “for what manner of man gives you that much money without having touched you at all?” Nelly had never once experienced this generosity in her business.
Peter gave her a business card and further explained to her that he was an evangelist and told her that she could call him if she wanted to talk more.
About six hours later, Nelly called Peter and arranged to meet at a restaurant nearby during the day. This was the beginning of several meetings that followed. Peter told her God loved her. She read the Swahili version of the Bible study lessons from Light Bearers Ministry. And indeed, something was sweeping over Nelly’s heart, as she asked many questions. She was beginning a journey with God.
After several sessions of Bible studies using the Bible lessons and coupled with much prayer, Nelly made the most important decision she has ever made. She decided to accept Christ as her personal Savior.
Soon after her wonderful decision to follow Christ and leave the sex trade, she had to move to a different residence where the evangelist and his team began the next phase of their ministry with her. Sessions of counseling and assurance of her new life path were very crucial at this stage. And God is faithful, because He has graciously led the whole process.
Another beautiful thing to note was that Nelly sprang into action, reaching out to her former colleagues, encouraging them to leave the sex trade as well. By the time Nelly left Tanzania for home in Australia, approximately 25 of her colleagues also left the sex trade, and most are fellow Christians living with their families in and outside Tanzania now.
Today, Nelly is a missionary in her home country and beyond, where she teaches and preaches the Word of God and testifies of the Savior so dear to her.

Meiring Pretorius
Meiring works on the ground where Light Bearers literature is sent and writes regular reports on the progress of the literature work in these areas.