The Eastern and Western Tanzania Conferences organized a series of public evangelistic meetings for June 2017. With 300 Seventh-day Adventist churches in the city of Dar es Salaam and every church hosting three separate sites, the effort was huge (900 sites altogether). Backed up with a container of Bible lessons from Light Bearers Ministry, the result was astounding—105,000 souls baptized! By getting all the churches to work together, we were able to further Total Member Involvement (TMI). Many evangelists are working in the newly sown fields and every member is embracing a new convert.
The gospel, channeled through literature from Light Bearers Ministry, awakens in many hearts a desire to know God and share Him. It changes people from the inside. Through their testimonies, I have found that many are searching for Truth and they have found it through the Bible lessons and have been set free.
But I had mixed feelings—at first—when a young man by the name of Peter Daudi spoke to me about his ministry in the city of Dar es Salaam. Let me explain. He uses the Bible lessons as a tool to snatch prostitutes out of Satan’s grip and to help them see how they can become new creatures in Christ.
Every center has 600 to 700 ladies waiting for their “customers.” The task of helping them is overwhelming.
Previously, Peter was working with single ladies who had no work. He tried to help relieve their situations. Soon this work brought him in contact with the world of prostitution in Dar es Salaam. Through prayer, fasting, and asking God to reveal these places of prostitution to him, he was led to where the women worked. His heart was stirred as more of these centers were discovered. In Dar es Salaam, as to date, there are 37 of these “dark” centers, nine full hotels, and 93 streets where ladies are picked up. Every center has 600 to 700 ladies waiting for their “customers.” The task of helping them is overwhelming.
At the end of 2015, Peter ventured into these slums and dark alleys for the first time, approaching the commercial sex workers, as they are called, from a different angle. He took with him Bible lessons and some money. First, he would give them one US dollar, the amount a man pays for a prostitute’s services. He did not want the women to feel that he was wasting their time. Then he would introduce something better to them—God’s word through the Bible lessons. The response was surprisingly positive. The women were hungry for something to satisfy their real need. And the lessons did just that.
Through God’s grace, Peter has reached 3,700 ladies.
The method he uses is wonderful in its simplicity. It reminds me of Jesus’ method of reaching the people. Coming “close” to these ladies has a new meaning for him now. As he ministers to their needs, studies the Bible with them and wins their confidence, they start opening up to him and telling him their life stories. Soon after listening, he makes an appeal, “Don’t you want to come with me to church?”
Their responses are positive. Through God’s grace, Peter has reached 3,700 ladies. Forty-two of them have been baptized and more than 100 are leaving their practices.
I followed Peter through one of the prostitution slums to visit some of these ladies with whom he is studying. It was a humbling experience. These women are living under a heavy burden of condemnation and guilt. They have a deep longing to quit this way of living but don’t know how. However, these lessons are giving them a glimpse of new invisible possibilities that can only be realized within God’s amazing Love. They know they are loved and accepted by their Creator.
Recently I listened to a lecture on “invisible possibilities”, and it suddenly dawned on me that God’s word brings out the invisible possibilities in every person. God’s word is powerful to transform—if every person can just have the opportunity to read its message. Love awakens love, which means eternal possibilities!

Meiring Pretorius
Meiring works on the ground where Light Bearers literature is sent and writes regular reports on the progress of the literature work in these areas.