We typically think change has to take a long time, but you can actually accomplish quite a lot in just a few days.
Like traveling to the moon if you’re Neil Armstrong,
Winning the Battle of Gettysburg and changing the tide of the Civil War if you’re General George Meade,
Or saving the human race and vindicating God’s character for the entire universe if you’re Jesus.
We’ve begun a venture we’re calling ARISE Intensive: concentrated weekend ARISE programs we’re taking around the country.
And you thought you couldn’t be productive over the weekend.
At ARISE, we want to make the most of our time. So, in addition to our three-month training program, we’ve begun a venture we’re calling ARISE Intensive: concentrated weekend ARISE programs we’re taking around the country.
At an intensive, ARISE instructors Ty Gibson, David Asscherick, and Yamil Rosario take attendees through a razor-blade version of the ARISE curriculum, which we call The Story. The program takes a look at the Bible as one cohesive story and teaches core truths in a story framework, with God’s character of love always at the center. Then the weekend lands with practical classes on discipleship, making ministry your lifestyle, and what sharing the gospel story with secular people looks like.
We launched the first intensive in Orlando last fall with attendees from all over the US and even Canada and the UK! Fast forward a bit and we’ve recently finished our second intensive in Columbia, Maryland. Together we rediscovered the Bible’s story of redemption, God’s character of love, and a passion for discipleship. Our friend Markis Zarate, a singer-songwriter from the Orlando area, led us with worship throughout the program. Then beautiful truths were uncovered for an enthusiastic, tuned-in crowd as Ty and David taught about the origin of evil, what God was doing before the world began, the covenant, how to study the Bible, and so much more.
I have a much clearer understanding of God’s love demonstrated in every book of the Bible and every story and every doctrine
Topics were covered that can sometimes feel outdated and irrelevant. Suddenly, though, in the context of the story of God trying to save humanity, they took on new beauty and meaning. Small group discussions and Q and A sessions made the content even more cogent and impactful.
I’ve had a complete awakening. I have a much clearer understanding of God’s love demonstrated in every book of the Bible and every story and every doctrine. –Claudia Allen, Maryland Attendee
I feel that practically I now have something to say to non-believers and people from different walks. –Bisser Stoykov, Orlando attendee
There were many concepts explained during the class that made me understand the Bible so much better, some I didn’t even know I was misunderstanding until now. I have a much clearer picture of the Bible as a story and how it’s not just individual pieces that don’t work together. There is a theme throughout and all work together to paint the picture of a God who loves us so much and wants us to love Him. –Kelley Allred, Orlando attendee
So maybe you can’t change the whole world in a weekend or go to the moon or even get your room clean. But maybe you can start changing your world. We believe that transformation happens when we start to understand the gospel story, and we’re passionate about making it available to as many people as possible. We know not everyone can take three months off for a discipleship program, but most of us can get away for a weekend here and there. That’s why we’d like to invite you to join us for our next intensive.
Who knows what can happen in just a few days?
Upcoming locations
- Andrews University, September 21-22, 2019—register now!
- Atlanta, Georgia, November 2019
- Tampa, Florida, December 2019
What are you waiting for? Start changing your world today:

Anneliese Wahlman
Allie is a 2012 ARISE graduate and on-staff writer and communications assistant for Light Bearers. She is fascinated by the intersection of faith and the creative process and enjoys poetry. When she’s not watching a good movie with her friends, she enjoys narrating life with mediocre accents.