In 2014 God blessed Light Bearers Ministry in a number of ways, one of which was the ability to send out an extra container of literature above our budgeted 11. Each container is filled with millions of tracts that make a huge impact in the world field. Here is a report we received from Kenya and the prison ministry of The Kingā€™s Messengers.

The Wonders of God

The Kingā€™s Messengers are a group of about 20 Adventist singers who organized into ministry in Nairobi, Kenya in 1991. From 2004, the Kenya government allowed limited access to prisons, which before was prohibited. The Kingā€™s Messengers quickly utilized the opportunity, spreading the message through music and the Word.

Lack of Bibles and evangelistic literature was the major handicap in reaching 100,000 inmates, until the Lord answered our prayers and Light Bearers sent a container of literature in 2014.

Excited prisoners have discovered good news in the readings and the literature is resulting in hundreds accepting Christ and being baptized.

Excited prisoners have discovered good news in the readings and the literature is resulting in hundreds accepting Christ and being baptized. We greatly thank Light Bearers Ministry and their sponsors for the literature and at the expiry of the quantities; we hope to approach them again.


  1. High ministry costĀ involved, especially transport hire cost to reach various and far prisons scattered across the country.
  2. Ability to take messageĀ to all inmates in the scattered 100 prisons across the country.
  3. No literature to leave. The thousands of inmates have been relying on the word we preach and literature received from the union or conferences.

When God Came In:

God heard our prayer in a big way!

  1. Light BearersĀ from the United States heard our plea and sent to us in Mombasa, Kenya a full container load of 2 million pieces of literature for our ministry, free of charge!
  2. The need to carry this abundant literature to the various prisons brought Godā€™s second miracle. The Lord used Pastor and Mrs. Ben Boggess to secure for us a Nissan transport vehicle.
  3. With the untrained chaplains being a major problem as the inmates studied the Daniel and Revelation series, Godā€™s third miracle was in the air. God sent Pastor and Mrs. Boggess to come and conduct an intensive three-week effort and two weeks of training for 100 chaplains from the prisons and armed forces.

The result of the combined efforts has been an unprecedented action in many prisons which has seen multiple baptisms across the country since May 2014, resulting in over one thousand prisoners being baptized.


We wish to thank LIGHT BEARERS very much for the timely action of sending the literature and for their trust in us to deliver it (glory goes to God). We are happy to announce that way over one million pieces of literature have been placed in the hands of tens of thousands of inmates, as well as public evangelistic efforts that have left many convicted by their reading. With prisoners confined to the prisons their ā€˜idle timeā€™ has been occupied in reading and producing very touching testimonies.

We shall continue to do our best, God willing, to ensure the message reaches the people.

God bless you abundantly,

Benson Ochieng Obolla
Nairobi, Kenya

This is one of a number of reports we will be sharing every quarter that show the powerful influence of gospel literature in the lives of people around the world. Thank you for your prayers and support.

A man with short, curly dark hair is smiling while looking at the camera. He is wearing a dark button-up shirt and stands in front of a blurred outdoor background.
James Rafferty

James has spent more than 30 years preaching the gospel around the world in revival seminars and evangelistic meetings. He and his wife Risƫ have two adult children, Jeiel and Kierra.